The last Run Config tab contains two input fields, where you can set the run options for your container with a Docker template deployed:
- use the Entry Point option for running your container as an executable through specifying the full path to the appropriate script or bin file
type the name of your custom start script, command or binary file (in the latter case it should be specified within $PATH) inside the Run Command field for being considered as defaults for an executing container. In case the specified here value does not refer to the executable file, such should be additionally set within the abovementioned Entry Point field.
The defined within these fields values are processed as intended by Docker® standard and will be executed on the next and each subsequent container’s startups.
Using the reverse arrow button, which appears upon entering some custom string inside any of these fields, the specified run options can be easily Reset to default values.
Note that if neither run command is declared within the template settings by default, you have to set the appropriate option(s) using this frame. Otherwise, no application/service will be started at the container’s launch.